Recently I have had the pleasure of merging with some fantastic writers and artist. Being fortunate to have been introduced to a wide variety or writers and artist I came across the attached link and site. The Boat Lullabies ( A Subsidiary of Square America)

"exert below" Taken directly from the site

"Who We Were: A Snapshot History of America", my heart racing to see the photos inside I went through every link in the site and found that even I could find a trace of my own family inside this book.

Photographs are a link to our past, tell stories of our present, and guide us as we take this journey to the future.

I encourage everyone to Support the Site support our "Artist": Buy the Book today! I did.

For me this book is a collectors item, each picture is rich, as it tells the story, serving as a "Link" to our history, connecting us to our American Family.

Who We Were: A Snapshot history of America- A collaboration between myself, Michael Williams, and Richard Cahan. 350 photos, all taken by amateur photographers, tell the story of America from the 1890s through the early 1970s, literally beginning inside a surry with the fringe on top and ending on the Moon. Of course there's World Wars (two of them!), the Depression, and Civil Rights marches but there's also cave-dwelling child brides and love-lorn bootleggers, rabbit hunters and rat-catching contests.

Click here for more details!


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