The Risk Factor Part 1: Welcome to the Edge: "
The Edge is an interesting place. The Darkness seems to not only illuminate the Path but propel us through said Path. Darkness of the unknown, darkness of despair, darkness of disappointment … Dwelling on the Edge, the list goes on and on …
Yet, on the Edge, we remain. We stand continually and defiantly on the precipice of what seems to be self-destruction and annihilation. We continue to roll the proverbial dice and take those chances and it seems to many around us that we have lost every drop of our mental faculties.
But they do not know the Edge. They do not know the Edge because contrary to popular belief, no one walks to the Edge, the Edge finds you and beckons to you with a seduction that resonates within you so strongly and irresistibly simply because it is the echo of your own consciousness. The Edge is a reflection of the future state of your soul. Strong, fearless and sure. For now, you sum it up in one word: Crazy.
So one day your life is “normal”: nine to five, husband or wife, white picket fence and 2.5 kids. Everything is neat and in order. Then it happens. POW! The Awakening hits you in the face like a ton of bricks. You find yourself scrambling to make sense of why you feel so utterly compelled to forsake your orderly, by-the-numbers existence and run toward a goal you cannot see, to take a shot at a target that, on a conscious level, you believe you do not have the ability to hit on your best day. Even so, you move out …
And to make things worse, you find yourself telling anyone who will listen that “it” will work. That you just know it will. You’re not even entirely clear on what the totality of what “it” is. And when asked the inevitable (and logical), “But how do you know it will work?” All you can do is shrug your shoulders and say, “I know it will work.”
So you make the decision, almost involuntarily it seems, to pack your bag of hopes, dreams and freshly awakened passions and hit the road. Some cheer you on, albeit from a distance, others seeth quietly in hope for your downfall. The latter, I believe, is the result of their self-loathing at not having the courage to answer the call. Yes, everyone at some point in their lives is kissed by destiny’s fire. Some choose to extinguish the flame and play it “safe”. Others choose to be consumed and ultimately transformed by the fire. Obviously, in this text, we address with the latter of the two choices.
At this stage, it will be easy to become hopeful and discouraged all at once. Hopeful at the new doors that are opening as a result of your hard work and discouraged at the individuals who seem to look down at your efforts or even attempt to block them. This is a rule I live by and it may help you too: Stay loyal to your vision and your vision will take care of you and itself. Simply put, be diligent and consistent in all that you do. Work from a place of passion, sincerity and integrity and even in the most fearful of circumstances (for there will be many) stand your ground. You must believe. Even when friends laugh at you. Even when family discounts you. If you don’t believe in what is upon you to do then it will never come to pass. Simply because no one, no matter what they communicate, cares about your vision, dreams and mission like you do. And guess what? They’re not supposed to. What was given to you is your responsibility. So again, mind your responsibilities and opportunity will come. Through all the pain, hurt and betrayal, the opportunities will come. Opportunity cannot resist the truth of sincere passion. Others may attempt to call your efforts something else but the foundationless assertion can only last so long. Be encouraged and look for part 2 coming soon!
All the Best
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