From The Library of Paul Bunyan
From The Library of Paul Bunyan: "Or Norm Abrams, if you like. This one comes from a FB reader who is a librarian.
...just this week I experienced the horror of the 6' circular saw blade bookmark inside 'Inside Every Woman'
John the librarian also sends along this beauty, which I find fascinating:
Digital Art Tutorials-Beginning Coloring
Digital Art Tutorials-Beginning Coloring: "
Digital Art Tutorials-Beginning Coloring
Watch step by step as world renowned Photoshop artist, Brian Haberlin, takes you the bascis of computer coloring. Recommended for those that are just starting out coloring.
Tutorial by: Brian Haberlin
Program: Adobe Photoshop
Approx. Length: 1 hr 30 min
File size: 200mb (.rar)
Additional Included Files:
Line Art File to follow Tutorial
Layered PSD (Photoshop file) File to Inspect
Adobe PDF Manual detailing:
* Hardware
* Software
* Scanning
* Color Setup
* Flatting
* And More...
Mario Puzo - "The Godfather". (English audio-book)
Mario Puzo - "The Godfather". (English audio-book): "
Mario Puzo - 'The Godfather'. (English audio-book)
Publisher: Brilliance Audio | ISBN-10: 1596002433 | 2004 | English | MP3 (192 kb/s) | 506 Mb
Thanks to Francis Coppola's brilliant film adaptation, this story has achieved cult status with millions of fans, who continue to read it. In addition to its larger size, this incarnation offers a new introduction and afterword. How could you refuse?
Mirror1: (part1) (part2) (part3) (part4) (part5)
Mirror2: (part1) (part2) (part3) (part4) (part5)
Mirror3: (part1) (part2) (part3) (part4) (part5)
Stephen King 'Lisey's Story'
Stephen King 'Lisey's Story': "
Stephen King 'Lisey's Story'
Audiobook | Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio | ISBN: 0743556003 | 2006 | English | MP3 192 Kbps | 1210 MB
King's latest bid for literary respectability is read by acclaimed actress Winningham, best known for her Oscar-nominated performance in Georgia. Winningham glazes King's novel in multiple coats of Southern honey, her voice shimmering with an old-fashioned glow for the tale of Lisey Landon, wife of acclaimed novelist Scott Landon, and her effort to discover the source of her husband's inspiration after his death.
Winningham is a good fit for King in a less terror-filled mood, capturing the book's blend of the sentimental and the comic. The narrative is ushered in and out by the strains of Ryan Adams's 'When the Stars Go Blue,' and King reads his own afterword, where he details the sources of his own inspiration, carefully distancing himself and his loved ones from the characters in his book while making it clear that, like Scott Landon, he must dive deep into his subconscious and into the pool of literary history, to find inspiration.
The Lady with a Dog by : Anton Chekhov
The Lady with a Dog by : Anton Chekhov: "
The Lady with a Dog by : Anton Chekhov
Audiobook | ISBN-10: 0140447873 | 2006 | English | MP3 (64 kb/s) | 30.5 Mb
This well-known short story tells of an adulterous affair between a Russian banker, Dmitry Gurov and a young lady he meets while vacationing in Yalta, Anna Von Diederitz. The couple spend much time together but since Anna is married and lives far away, Gurov has obstacles to overcome in formalizing this relationship.